


General surgery of radix healthcare is a  discipline of surgery having core surgical specialties including embracing anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties.

We have a team of  general surgeons who have specialized knowledge and experience related to the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management of the patient.

Endoscopy Surgery
Endoscopes are minimally invasive and can be inserted into the openings of the body such as the mouth or anus and are performed using a flexible tube with a camera and light at the tip. Our team ensures easier recovery time with less pain and discomfort.

Laparoscopic  Surgery AND Other Surgeries
Radix healthcare Laparoscopic Surgery Department is well equipped with all the advanced technology-assisted by our skilled team of trained professionals and surgeons. We specialize in

It Provides a variety of major laparoscopic surgeries including skin, breast, abdomen and hernia, bariatric, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, kidneys, and the liver. The minimal access surgery helps in the early recovery of patients with minimal pain and with excellent cosmetic results.

Our Services

  • We cater to the conditions treated at radix healthcare using endoscopy surgery includes gastrointestinal

  • Hernias

  • Liver tumors

  • Benign pancreatic lesions

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

  • Lung, Gynecologic, Head and neck, Neurosurgery/Spine

  • Vascular

  • Urological

  • Anorectal conditions

  • Appendix surgery

  • Gallbladder surgery

  • Solid-organ surgery

  • Thyroid and parathyroid gland

  • Intestinal Obstruction

  • Our Doctors

    Dr. Ajay Jain

    Dr. Ajay Jain

    Senior General and Laparoscopy Surgeon

    M.B.B.S and M.S (General Surgery)


    Consultation Fee:


    Dr. Pradeep Saini

    Dr. Pradeep Saini

    General, Laparoscopic & Proctology Surgeon

    20 years of experience


    Consultation Fee:


    Dr. G S Garg

    Dr. G S Garg

    MBBS MS (General Surgeon) FAMS, FAIGES, FALS

    Over 36 years of experience

    thoracic surgeries | Uro-genital surgeries | Lap. Cholecystectomy | Appendectomy | all type of Hernias


    Consultation Fee:


    Dr. Shivani Atri Singh

    Dr. Shivani Atri Singh

    General, Laparoscopic & Proctology Surgeon

    6 years of experience

    Aesthetic Surgery | Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) | Paediatric Surgery | Flap Surgery | abdominal surgeries


    Consultation Fee:

